So you've decided to go get some Klondike gold. First you have to find out where the Klondike is, how to get there, and what you'll need to survive.
We follow New York journalist Tappan Adney as he leaves his fancy big-city job and heads to the Klondike to report on the stampede. He has two weeks to travel by train from New York to the West Coast, gathering tips and buying his outfit along the way. By the time he leaves for Alaska on the SS Islander, he'll have six horses, a bale of hay and a thousand pounds of oats, lumber for a boat and a ton of supplies to last him for 10-12 months in the Yukon ... or so he hopes!
"The following are the goods commonly taken in by miners. The list includes several articles of which it is only necessary to have one in each party:
8 sacks flour (50 lbs. each)
150 lbs bacon
100 lbs beans
25 lbs evaporated apples
25 lbs evaporated peaches
25 lbs apricots
25 lbs butter
100 lbs granulated sugar
1 1/2 dozen condensed milk
15 lbs coffee
10 lbs tea
1 lb pepper
10 lbs salt
8 lbs baking powder
40 lbs rolled oats
2 dozen yeast cakes
1/2 dozen 4-ounce beef extract
5 bars castile soap
6 bars tar soap
1 tin matches
1 gallon vinegar
1 box candles
25 lbs evaporated potatoes
25 lbs rice
25 canvas sacks
1 wash-basin
1 medicine chest
1 rubber sheet
1 set pack-straps
1 pick
1 handle
1 drift-pick
1 handle
1 shovel
1 gold-pan
1 axe
1 whip-saw
1 hand-saw
1 jack-plane
1 brace
4 bits, assorted, 3/16 to 1 inch
1 8-inch mill file
1 6-inch mill file
1 broad hatchet
1 two-quart galvanized coffee pot
1 fry-pan
1 package rivets
1 draw-knife (granite)
3 covered pails, 4, 6, and 8 quart
1 pie-plate
1 knife and fork
1 granite cup
1 each tea and table spoon
1 14-inch granite spoon
1 tape-measure
1 1/2 inch chisel
10 lbs oakum
10 lbs pitch
5 lbs 20d. nails
5 lbs 10d. nails
6 lbs 6d. nails
200 fee 5/8-inch rope
1 single block
1 solder outfit
1 14-quart galvanized pail
1 granite saucepan
3 lbs candlewick
1 compass
1 miner's candlestick
6 towels
1 axe-handle
1 axe-stone
1 emery-stone
1 sheet-iron stove
1 tent
Sources & reading (some are out of print)
University of Washington "Sketch of a stampeder in Klondike outerwear" and other outfitting images
A photo of the SS Islander, the ship Tappan Adney took from Victoria to Skagway
The Klondike Stampede by Tappan Adney
University of Washington Routes to Riches